Tradesmen Needed up to $18/hr - Skilled or Trainable

Offer expiration date: Oct 15, 2016 This offer is expired

Physical workers needed to perform labor in a precast concrete plant. Day shift. Permanent. Overtime. Earn between $12.00 and $18.00 per hour depending on your experience. Clean up the yard, measure and cut metal rods, tie rebar to metal mesh cages, run a machine to eliminate air pockets in concrete walls, finish the concrete walls, also may work in metal shop if have welding knowledge, wood form shop if have carpentry skills, etc. Any and all LABOR as requested by supervisor. THIS IS A LARGE COMPANY WITH EXCELLENT TRAINING AND SAFETY, YEAR ROUND WORK, GOOD PAY STRUCTURE AND BENEFITS, AND ADVANCEMENT POSSIBILITIES. Hard workers with good attitudes sought.

PRECAST CONCRETE WORKER ---Assist in the construction, erection, repair and modification of precast concrete structures; work with wood, metal and/or concrete materials using a variety of hand and power tools. Precast Concrete Worker work involves any combination of duties and responsibilities that include:

Perform daily job duties as directed by Foreman, including but not limited to: Remove tarps, plastic and dunnage from product every morning or as needed. Set gates and block-outs as required by layout and plans. Pull cable / tie rebar as layout and plans dictate. Cut cable, remove recess cups, remove gates and remove block-outs as directed. Securely tie in embeds, inserts and other items as shown on the plans or layout. Install mesh or other items required in product. Apply form oil / bond breaker as directed; always take care not to get oil and/or bond breaker on cable or rebar. Grind and clean beds or molds as the product is removed. Stack, pack, carry, police and arrange materials as directed. • Begin casting product by mucking, vibrating, screeding or other jobs as directed; always wear ear protection, rubber gloves, rubber boots and other protective clothing while pouring concrete. • After casting apply sealer, visqueen, tarps, etc as directed. • Never touch, grind, weld, cut, etc around cable or rebar without proper instruction. • Clean up tools and work area at the end of shift or during shift as the work schedule permits. • Use extreme caution when working around cranes, trucks, forklifts, loaders and other equipment. Never get under loads or spreader bar hanging from cranes. • Always work safely and follow all established safety policies. • Additional duties as assigned by Foreman and/or other management and/or supervisory personnel.

Precast concrete is a construction product produced by casting concrete in a reusable mold or "form" which is then cured in a controlled environment, transported to the construction site and lifted into place. In contrast,standard concrete is poured into site-specific forms and cured on site.

By producing precast concrete in a controlled environment (typically referred to as a precast plant), the precast concrete is afforded the opportunity to properly cure and be closely monitored by plant employees. Utilizing a Precast Concrete system offers many potential advantages over site casting of concrete. The production process for Precast Concrete is performed on ground level, which helps with safety throughout a project. There is a greater control of the quality of materials and workmanship in a precast plant rather than on a construction site. .

There are many different types of precast concrete forming systems for architectural applications, differing in size, function, and cost. Precast architectural panels are also used to clad all or part of a building facade free-standing walls used for landscaping, soundproofing, and security walls, and some can be Prestressed concrete structural elements. Stormwater drainage, water and sewage pipes, and tunnels make use of precast concrete units.

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