Job Search

Tired of the JOB SEARCH?

Sick of responding to Help Wanted Signs, Online Applications and Ads only to be told there are no openings or to get zero response, ever?

Consider Classic Staffing. You can apply quickly in person, immediately speak with someone, be interviewed, review potential job openings AND now have an established contact to keep informed of other employment offers.

IT IS FREE TO YOU. We do N O T take anything from your pay. Local companies use us to assist with Human Resource tasks and save themselves time and money on searching, interviewing and onboarding.

Take advantage of us! We are here to make your life easier, your job search easier, and open up opportunities.

We pay weekly, most of our jobs become permanent after your probation period. We cover the ABE Lehigh area, Upper Bucks and Upper Montgomery Counties. You can apply any weekday 9am to 3pm, you do not need an appointment. If you don't feel like coming in, apply online.

The job openings change regularly, check us out!

CLASSIC STAFFING Call 215-538-1198 or stop in 248 W Broad St Quakertown PA 18951 or apply now on the website

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